Madden Sterrett
I am drowning in an ocean of unfinished works with no help in sight. Throughout quarantine, I have been ping-ponging back and forth between many different projects including paintings, drawings, mixed media works, music, songs, videos, and more. I haven't been able to hone in on one project like I was when in the studio. I can't help but feel unsatisfied with what I have done and with the end of the year. I don't think I will ever feel like I completed my junior year of high school, maybe I'll just be a junior for the rest of my life (that's a scary thought).
Despite all of the negatives that could easily be drawn from this experience I have taught myself to find excitement in the little things. I feel overjoyed when I get to go on a car ride, I spend hours upon hours outside playing the guitar, I do thirty minutes of yoga every day and I find myself being so grateful for the family I have around me.
One thing I learned I am quite good at is writing out and directing music videos. In March or April, I came up with the idea to rewrite the popular song Corduroy Dreams by Rex Orange County into the parody Quarantine Dreams. I didn't act on that idea for awhile, because my time was taken up by schoolwork, adjusting to the current situation, and my family. I almost forgot the idea when one afternoon I pulled out my sketchbook and started writing out the lyrics. From there I recorded the music, wrote out each shot of the music video per line, filmed the video, and posted it in four days. I am very proud of that music video, it's the one thing I completed while in quarantine and I am so glad that I did.